ACADEMICS   /   Graduate Studies   /   School of Graduate Studies
Graduate Studies
School of Graduate Studies

Managing Innovative Agricultural Production Systems

"Holistic Approaches from Farm to Consumers"

In the fall of 2017 Perrotis College introduced a School of Graduate Studies, which awards Masters Degrees in areas of concentration related to Agricultural Science. The Graduate School builds on the AFS philosophy and long history of quality education focusing on applied research, practical training, and entrepreneurship, guided by the principles of social responsibility.

The School of Graduate Studies complements the College’s existing BSc. program, by providing the next tier of educational opportunities to students of the College as well as outside applicants.

Instruction at Perrotis College is conducted in the English language, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, in order to ensure our students are equipped to handle the dynamics of the worlds of science, academia, and business both on a national and international scale.

Currently the School of Graduate Studies of Perrotis College offers the following graduate programs:

The “Seth Frank Hall of Graduate Studies”, renovated through a generous gift by Trustee Seth Frank, will host the Perrotis College School of Graduate Studies.

For the Academic Calendar 2023-2024, click here.

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