ACADEMICS   /   Undergraduate Studies   /   B.Sc. Sustainable Agriculture and Management
Undergraduate Studies
B.Sc. Sustainable Agriculture and Management
The overall aim of the Sustainable Agriculture and Management (SAM) program is to provide high quality and professionally relevant undergraduate modules to transfer scientific and technical knowledge as well as practical skills. Program graduates benefit from a wide-ranging, critical understanding of the areas of agriculture and precision agriculture, the environment, sustainable crop and soil management, as well as human and animal nutrition and consumer issues as they relate to the SAM disciplines.
The goals of the Sustainable Agriculture and Management (with specializations in Precision Agriculture and Livestock Management) are to enable the student to:
  • Acquire critical thinking and research skills in order to pursue post-graduate studies and/or a career in agriculture, environmental management or livestock management;
  • Develop an understanding of the fundamentals and principles of various forms of agro-environmental systems management;
  • Acquire knowledge of cutting edge technology for optimum crop, soil and animal management, and for the production of quality products and business sustainability;
  • Develop a thorough awareness of the basic aspects of the agro-environmental complexities and apply holistic approaches for sustainable agriculture;
  • Gain an awareness of the significance of the modification of the agro-environment, and the impact of proposed changes;
  • Develop awareness and sensibility regarding animal and plant welfare and their environments;
  • Gain hands-on experience in work and professional fields connected to the individual student’s academic and career aspirations;
  • Cultivate the qualities of character necessary to function maturely and responsibly in a work-related environment.
  • Effectively collaborate with others in the problem-solving process;
  • Develop the ability to conduct research and report on one’s finding clearly, honestly and accurately;
  • Identify and meet professional and educational goals;
  • Assume leadership roles in completing individual and group tasks; and
  • Work effectively in team oriented activities.

Download the brochure here.

Learning outcomes
Students in any of the two pathways (Precision Agriculture and Livestock Production) of the BSc (Hons/Ord) Sustainable Agriculture and Management (SAM) program will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of production of food and non-food products from land resources, and agro-ecosystem sustainability
  • Discuss the principles of land and crop management in a systems (holistic) approach, considering environmental interactions and multiple effects
  • Relate the management practices with critical financial, social and environmental issues in the context of world and EU forthcoming legislation (reformed Common Agricultural Policy-CAP) and the climate change impact.
Knowledge and understanding
Students pursuing a BSc (Hons) in Sustainable Agriculture and Management (SAM) program will also be able to:
  • demonstrate an in-depth knowledge in the selected field;
  • critically evaluate contemporary approaches and technologies as well as innovative systems in the field of life sciences, agriculture and the environment;
  • design, execute, and discuss the outcomes of a research project in a relevant area.


1st Year

Environment and Climate Change

10 credits

Principles of Biology

10 credits

Basic Mathematics

10 credits

Introductory Composition

10 credits

Information System Skills

10 credits

English Language I

10 credits

Sustainability & Society

10 credits

Mediterranean Diet: Science & Culture

10 credits

Introduction to Information System

10 credits

Introduction to Academic Writing

10 credits

Public Speaking & Business Communication

10 credits

English Language II

10 credits


2nd Year

Introduction to ICT for Agriculture and Environment

10 credits

Management - Business Administration

10 credits

Agricultural Marketing

10 credits

Environmental Technology and Agricultural Machinery

10 credits

Principles of Microbiology and Chemistry

10 credits

Learning Methods

20 credits

Introduction to Agro-Environmental Systems

10 credits

Environmental Soil Science

10 credits

Principles of Genetics and Plant Breeding

10 credits

Botany and Plant Propagation

10 credits


10 credits


3rd Year

Principles of Precision Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability

10 credits

Research Methods - Statistics

10 credits

Waste Management

10 credits

Introduction to Livestock Science

10 credits

Plant Physiology

10 credits

Principles of Plant Pathology

10 credits

Field Crop Production

10 credits

Fruit Tree Production

10 credits


10 credits

Crop Nutrition & Soil Fertility Management

10 credits

Weed Science and Management

10 credits

Olive Production Systems

10 credits


4th Year

Post- Harvest and Olive Processing

10 credits

GIS in Agriculture and the Environment

10 credits

Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Production

10 credits

Horticultural Science

10 credits

Farm Management

10 credits

Greenhouse Technology and Management

10 credits

Ecological Agriculture

10 credits

Soil and Water Resource Management

10 credits

Precision Agriculture Applications

10 credits


30 credits


Specializations - Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture, which has been called the greatest technological advancement in agriculture since the invention of the tractor, is the integrated use of cutting-edge technology and information-based, decision-making agricultural systems and methodologies.  This innovative and holistic approach has as its primary aim the improvement and optimization of farm production processes and costs, by precisely managing crop and soil variability in space and time for each significant production input, in order to ensure optimum and highly efficient agricultural production, while at the same time promoting sustainable use of natural resources and agroecosystem (environmental) protection.
Students who pursue this specialization will learn how to use advanced technologies (hardware and software) for site-specific soil and plant management, Global Position Systems (GPS) and Geographical information Systems (GIS), specific sensors, UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), for crop and soil mapping techniques, and computerized farm machinery.
Sample courses in this specialization include the following: 
  • Environmental soil science
  • Field Crops production
  • Weed science
  • Principles of Precision agriculture for environmental sustainability
  • Research Methods-Statistics
  • Precision Agriculture Applications
  • Waste management
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Agriculture & the Environment
  • Soil & WaterResource Management
  • Ecological Agriculture
  • Dissertation (BSc Thesis writing)
Graduates with a specialization in Precision Agriculture are eligible to continue studying at the post-graduate level or directly enter the job market, working with firms and institutions that focus on farm products, agro-environmental consulting and waste management. In addition, as this new field expands, many opportunities in various areas of research are opening up, including projects connected to: land use practices for crop production, erosion control, environmental protection, reclamation of contaminated soils, transport of pesticides through soils, bioremediation of hazardous wastes, soil/landscape development processes, use of microbes in weed and plant disease control, surface chemistry of soil minerals, modeling of soil & cropping systems, remote sensing of soils and vegetation; precision irrigation and fertilization methods, and the impact of global climate and environmental changes.
Main research thematic areas
Research studies in τhe Dept. of SAM are conducted in the area of sustainable production management systems using modern technologies and in parallel applies holistic approaches in the «soil-crop-environment» continuum. Specιαl emphasis is given in use of low production inputs, ecological management of farms and new plant systems and management practices.
Specializations - Livestock Management
This specialization enables students to acquire practical animal husbandry skills and learn the main production parameters of animal nutrition, reproduction, selection, installations, health and welfare. At the same time it provides students with a firm knowledge base in scientific principles and how to apply these principles to the management of livestock. Throughout the course, students will have increasing opportunity to explore specific areas of their own interest, ultimately leading to their dissertation.
Sample of specific courses in this specialization include the following: 
  •   Research Methods-Statistics
  •   Introduction to Livestock Science
  •   Animal Welfare
  •   Nutrition and Contemporary Feeding Systems for Ruminants 
  •   Breeding and Genetic Improvement of Farm Animals
  •   Management of Livestock and Production
  •   Current Issues
  •   Nutrition and Contemporary Feeding Systems for Monogastrics
  •   Livestock Installations and Hygiene
  •   Dissertation (BSc Thesis writing) 
Graduates who specialize in Livestock Management may continue their studies at the post-graduate level or directly enter the job market in fields related to the care and management farm animals, as well as in positions connected to the larger field of animal husbandry, such as research support technicians, nutritional advisors, conservation officers, veterinary sales representatives, etc.  The food industry also requires managers who are familiar with the technology of animal production and who are responsive to public and consumer concerns. Graduates from this pathway will be able to assume leadership roles as technical consultants to meet increased global requirements for meat and milk production, and deal with increased emphasis on animal product quality and possible health benefits for the consumer. 
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