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To make your online gift to the American Farm School, please fill out the following form. All online donations are made through PayPal. You may use your PayPal account or enter a credit card number through their system. For information regarding the security of your online transactions with the American Farm School, as well as our donation cancellation policy, click here.  

Where needed most
Vocational High School Scholarships
Perrotis College Scholarships
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Note that you may choose to make a one-time gift or a recurring monthly gift.
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If you wish us to notify someone of your in memory or in honor gift, please provide the information below:

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My Preferences:

Please send The Sower (quarterly newsletter, published electronically each quarter, and once annually in print)
Please send all publications electronically
Please send the institution’s Annual Report (annual e-publication)
I prefer the Annual Report in print

I am interested in information about:

Bequests and Charitable Gift Annuity options
Making a larger gift / Naming (a Tree, Bench, Path, Classroom / Lab, Building / Program, Endowed Chair or Distinguished Professorship)
Primary and Secondary Education at the American Farm School
Perrotis College and the School of Graduate Studies
The Educational Farm
Greek Summer Program for High School students
Study Abroad Program for College students
We publish a list of our donors in our Annual Report. If you prefer NOT to be listed, please check here
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I also consent to receiving in the e-mail provided, newsletters related to events and other activities of the College.
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