Beginning of the educational program “Apiculture” for potential beekeepers in the prefectures of Kastoria and Pella.
For the prefecture of Kastoria, the courses began on December 1st, 2017 in the Agricultural Cooperative Hall in Pentavryso of Kastoria and other two educational sessions were held. The second session was held on 12 and 13 January 2018 in the conference room of the Municipality Council of Kastoria and the third on 26 and 27 January 2018 in the same site.
For the prefecture of Pella, the courses started on February 2nd, 2018 in the conference room of the City Council of Skydra Municipality.
The beneficiaries were 25 potencial beekeepers who want to employ in the field of apiculture and produce their own honey and beekeeping products.
The educational program includes two distinct sections:
1stsection:10 group educational sessions that will take place on a two-day basis until early May 2018 and will cover 60 teaching hours.
2nd section: Individual education / counseling to 5 trainees selected by the group of trainees through a rating system. At this stage, trainees will be provided with counseling services for one growing season.