After the first virtual reunion of the Class of 2010, the Alumni Office of Perrotis College organized the virtual reunion for the class of 2016!
Special thanks to Anna Savveli and Elena Tzanopoulou for the cooperation!
Most of the alumnus had the chance to meet again with their classmates, to share their news and learn how their school developed over 5 years. They shared stories from their time at Perrotis, how much they miss the campus and being students. The Perrotis College Alumni Office’s primary mission is to keep the Alumni close to their Alma matter for life. The virtual reunions will continue as long as the pandemic is here and we can’t wait to welcome you again to campus when everything is back to normal.
We are always at your disposal for any information.
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here and stay connected with Perrotis College.
For more information, please contact:
Lila Zizoula, Director of Community Engagement & Alumni Relations:
+30 2310 492 725
Pantelis Hantzaras, Alumni Coordinator: +30 2310 492 844
Or send us an email at