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Angela Gjekanovikj - Perrotis College Class of 2014
4th April 2021
She works as a Business Development Executive at the international company Infosys Limited. Angela Gjekanovikj, who graduated in 2014 from the International Business undergraduate program, strongly believes that Perrotis College has provided her with the necessary qualifications for her subsequent career.
"For me, Perrotis College was my second home, a huge part of my youth. This is where I met my best friends, got my first work experience, first internship. This is where I have developed as the young adult I am today."she stressed. Angela expresses her belief that Perrotis College has prepared her extremely well for her subsequent career and advises current students to be as active as possible in groups. "In the clubs you will meet people with whom you will become friends for a lifetime. "Take the opportunity to learn as much as you can from the teachers and most importantly make sure you socialize outside the dormitory," she added. As she said, Perrotis College is a safe environment and in addition every student is at the center of his teacher.
She emphasizes the very positive and multifaceted impact that her studies at Perrotis College had on her later career. "It is difficult to point out specific details, but for example in job interviews, the people in charge usually ask me about my experiences at Perrotis College. "An international environment, such as that of Perrotis College, is highly valued in large multinational corporations, such as the one I work for today."
She remembered with nostalgia the period when as a student she participated in a research team where they had to conduct a research, based on that develop their own food product, and then sell it at the campus store. "We were given 100 euros and were told that if we break even, the profits after that would be ours. My team worked hard, we made cookies, took the ingredients from across the border for cheaper prices, and we even made a commercial. We made a profit of around 100 more and that was so rewarding."she said.
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